Each student plays a solo or small ensemble piece at one recital in the fall and one in the spring.
"Participating teachers" hold their on studio recitals. They may reserve space at the Music Center if space is available when they need it. (Money from "The String-Alongs" pays for accompanists. There may be money available for renting another space.)
"Group-only" students usually join Eve Hubbard's recitals. They may also make arrangements with one of the other participating teachers.
For the fall recital, Eve's students join the students of all of the studios at the Music Center. A limited number of our students is allowed on each program. Space is given on a first come, first serve basis. There are no parties associated with the fall recitals.
In the spring, each teacher has their own studio recitals. We don't share the spring programs with other Music Center teachers. Regular participants of the Greensboro Strings Cooperative may be included on Eve Hubbard’s recitals. Everyone brings something to contribute to have a little party in the atrium after their Spring Recital.
RECITAL PREP is a mock recital, usually during Monday-night group time. Each student needs to attend Recital Prep; this is your time to check your readiness for recital. Students get a chance to try out their piece, learn by listening to others, and provide an audience for each player. The pressure of public performances helps us find out where more practice is needed. Recital Prep for all of Eve's recitals is listed on the group schedule; Jeannie & Karen arrange their own.
Holiday Sing Along
We have a tradition of a concert of Holiday music that is very free-spirited. Included in this tradition is an annual pizza supper and rehearsal of the Holiday music during the week before Thanksgiving. Friends and family are invited to attend the concert and sing the familiar songs. We consider the preparation of this concert to be the beginning of our “Note-reading Season”. Students are eager to learn these familiar songs.Ensemble Concert
We devote January lessons and group to the preparation of an ensemble concert. It is an ensemble experience modeled on the values of Shinichi Suzuki’s Mother Tongue Approach. Students learn as much of the music as their studio teachers feel appropriate. All levels are included, even the Pre-Twinklers. The difficulty level of the pieces in the program ranges from beginning to advanced. Advanced students play all of the music, providing both passive and active leadership for the more elementary students. There is no audition process. Violins alternate between playing first and second violin. Teachers work carefully with students at their individual lessons throughout the month to help them polish their pieces and apply reading and ensemble playing skills. Teachers also play in the ensemble providing a fine example at all levels of what is to be learned.
This has become our most popular annual event. The younger students become very excited about playing in the large group with rich harmony. The older ones work closely with their teachers to boost their note-reading and ensemble playing skills. The short preparation period creates a sense of urgency that tends to inspire intense concentration, resulting in measurable progress. The performance date is usually in late Feb. or early March.
Group Showcase Concert
This event is intended to represent the year’s work of each group. Families meet for a covered-dish supper, followed by a concert, ending with an awards ceremony. The concert is different from the standard Suzuki group concert. Rather than play all of the pieces they know, students play only with their group. Each group plays a few very polished pieces.